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IDL and Data ctx nodes

Integrated Data Lake (IDL) and Data Contextualization (Data ctx) nodes provides a simple way to prepare data for establishing semantic correlations and data query processing.

Integrated Data Lake nodes allows you to list, read, write, delete, subscribe and query the files or objects from Integrated Data Lake.

The "idl and data ctx" nodes and their respective functions in Visual Flow Creator are described in the following sections:

List objects node

List object

The "list objects" node lists the files or objects from Integrated Data Lake and stores the data in the message payload. Additionally, you can filter the files or objects by "Sub-tenant" property. It is possible by the main environment.

Read object node

Read object

The "read object" node reads the file or object content from the specified path and place(s) the content in the message payload. The mode parameter defines the type of content to be read from the file or object. The read object mode parameters are given below:

  • Object: Reads only the content of the file or object.
  • Object+Metadata: Reads both content and metadata of the file or object.
  • Metadata: Reads only the metadata of the file or object.

Write object node

Write object

The "Write object" node writes or updates the file or object to the specified path and place(s) the content in the message payload The mode parameter defines the type of content to be updated to the file or object. The write object mode parameters are given below:

  • Object: Writes only the content to the file or object.
  • Object+Metadata: Writes both content and metadata to the file or object.
  • Metadata: Writes only the metadata to the file or object.

Delete object node

Delete object

The "delete object" node deletes the files or objects from the specified path. You must select the path from the "Select File" dialog box.


If the files or objects is deleted then the metadata will also be deleted.

Subscribe object node

Subscribe object

The "subscribe object" node will notify the modifications that took place in the specified path. The path should be specified in the edit properties dialog box to receive the notification in the message payload. For example, the message object is shown below:

Message object


Metadata changes cannot be subscribed.

Data ctx query results node

Data ctx query results

The "data ctx query results" node allows you to get results from Data Contextualization queries. If you select a query id, the node will return the latest result for both static and dynamic queries. If you select an execution job id, the node will return the result for the defined execution job. Either the query id or the execution job id has to be defined.

Data ctx execution job node

Data ctx execution job

The "data ctx execution job" node allows you to create a Data Contextualization execution job for dynamic queries.

Data ctx create query node

Data ctx create query

The "data ctx create query" node allows you to create a Data Contextualization query. You can either create dynamic or static queries.

Data ctx ingest status node

Data ctx ingest status

The "data ctx ingest status" node allows you to get the status of Data Contextualization ingest jobs. You can query the list of all ingest jobs or a single one.

For more information about queries and execution jobs, refer to Data Contextualization.

Last update: July 18, 2024