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The analytics nodes are helpful to design flows which have array or time series data. The maximum array input size is limited to 2000.

The "analytics" nodes and their respective functions in Visual Flow Creator are described in the following sections:

Timeseries splitter node

Timeseries splitter

The "timeseries splitter" node splits a message payload into several small messages, if the gaps between any two time series is greater than the given interval.

Extrapolate node


The "extrapolate" node returns the input arrays or time series data. The return value also includes the extrapolated datapoints.

Crest node


The "crest" node computes the crest factor for an inputted array values and time series data.

Kurtosis node


The "kurtosis" node computes the kurtosis for the input of array values and time series data.

Skewness node


The "skewness" node computes the skewness for the input of array values and time series data.

Standard deviation node

Standard deviation

The "standard deviation" node computes the sample or population standard deviation for the values referenced by the defined input parameter of the array or time series.

Variance node


The "variance" node computes the variance for the input of array values and time series data.

Derive node


The "derive" node calculates the derivative for the input of array values and time series data.

Integrate node


The "integrate" node computes the integral for the input of array values and time series data.

Interpolate node


The "interpolate" node interpolates the value referenced by one parameter of the time series using linear or cubic spline interpolation.

FFT node


The "fft" node returns an array with the parameter values of the defined parameter, discarding other time series information.

Extract parameter node

Extract paramter

The "extract paramater" node returns array values which are defined to be extracted in the parameter.

Moving average node

Moving average

The "moving average" node calculates the moving average for the input of array values and time series data.

Map node


The "map" node maps time series data values to new values.

Filter node


The "filter" node filters the given of array values and time series data based on the defined parameter.

Last update: July 18, 2024