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The "function" nodes are programmable and user defined nodes which can be customized. For more information about other function nodes, refer to Node-RED documentation.

To create a flow of function nodes using copilot, refer to Visual Flow creator Copilot.

The "function" nodes and their respective functions in Visual Flow Creator are described in the following sections:

Template node


The "template" node sets a property based on the user defined template. By default, the template uses the "Mustache" format. The "Mustache" format can be switched off if required. "Mustache" can be used for HTML, config files and source codes. It works by expanding tags in a template using values provided in an object.

You can use this node to design the template and set its property.

Comment node


The "comment" node allows you to add comments in the flows that you have created. The editor will accept information in the Markdown syntax.

You can use this node to:

  • Add formatted text to the created flows that will be shown in the info tab.
  • Sticky note is used to select the type of font as given below list:

    • Do not show: It will not show the font on the node in the working area.


    • Big font: It shows the font on the node with bigger in size in the working area.

    Big font

    • Small font: It shows the font on the node with smaller in size in the working area.

    Small font


Sticky note messages will not allow markdown format.

Http request node

HTTP request

The "http request" node sends HTTP requests and returns the response.

You can use this node to:

  • Access the data from external services.
  • To use Insights Hub services, activate "Use Insights Hub service" option and configure the requested service path in the Insights Hub path field.
  • If "Extended scopes" option is selected then, the request will be processed with a token that has more scopes for a normal user. For example, creating or deleting assets. Admin can create or modify the scopes for the normal user.
Scopes Description
atm.apt.d Permission allows user to delete aspect types.
atm.apt.w Permission allows user to create or update aspect types.
atm.apt.r Permission allows user to read aspect types.
atm.fa.w Permission allows user to assign files to asset types.
atm.fa.d Permission allows user to delete file assignments.
atm.r Permission allows user to read asset types.
atm.w Permission allows user to create or update asset types.
atm.d Permission allows user to delete asset types. Permission allows user to use Anomaly Detection API - without batch endpoints.
as.adb.u Permission allows user to use Anomaly Detection Batch API.
as.kc.u Permission allows user to use KPI Calculation API. Permission allows user to use Spectrum Analysis API. Permission allows user to use Trend Prediction API.
asm.c Permission allows user to create assets.
asm.d Permission allows user to delete assets.
asm.m Permission allows user to move assets.
asm.r Permission allows user to read assets.
asm.u Permission allows user to update assets.
asm.f.r Permission allows user to read files.
asm.f.w Permission allows user to create or update files.
asm.f.d Permission allows user to delete files.
asm.fa.w Permission allows user to assign files to assets.
asm.fa.d Permission allows user to delete files assignments.
asm.h.d Permission allows user to delete hierarchy type assets.
asm.h.w Permission allows user to create or update hierarchy type asset
asm.loc.w Permission allows user to create or update locations.
asm.loc.d Permission allows user to delete locations.
asm.rh.d Permission allows user to delete root assets.
asm.rh.w Permission allows user to create or update root assets.
dl.ds.r Permission allows user to read data staging
dl.ds.w Permission allows user to write data staging
dl.ds.d Permission allows user to delete data staging Permission allows user to read event subscription Permission allows user to create event subscription Permission allows user to delete event subscription
dl.da.r Permission allows user to read data access
dl.da.w Permission allows user to create cross account
dl.da.d Permission allows user to delete data access
dl.dat.r Permission allows user to read data access token
dl.tsi.w Permission allows user to create time series import
dl.tsi.r Permission allows user to read time series imports
dl.tsi.d Permission allows user to delete time series import jobs
em.c Permission allows user to create events in Event Management Permission allows user to read event types in Event Management
em.r Permission allows user to read events in Event Management
em.u Permission allows user to update events in Event Management
em.d Permission allows user to delete events in Event Management Permission allows user to create event types in Event Management Permission allows user to update event types in Event Management Permission allows user to delete event types in Event Management
emds.ent.r Permission allows user to read entities via EntityMasterDataService
iot.fil.d Permission allows user to delete file
iot.fil.r Permission allows user to read file
iot.fil.w Permission allows user to write file
iot.tim.d Permission allows user to delete time series
iot.tim.r Permission allows user to read time series
iot.tim.w Permission allows user to write time series
iot.tsa.r Permission allows user to read time series aggregations
as.kc.u Permission allows user to use KPI Calculation API. Permission allows user to grant access to administration console. Permission allows user to grant access to send e-mail message, Push Notification and SMS.
as.ea.u Permission allows user to use Event Analytics API. Permission allows user to use Signal Calculation API. Permission allows user to use Signal Validation API.
tm.t.r Permission allows user to read environments. Permission allows user to read subtenants.
uts.rc Permission allows user to grant access to report console Permission allows user grant access to send usage information
uts.ri Permission allows user grant user to request usage information
uts.qi Permission allows user grant access to quota information
vfc.a Permission allows user to impersonate
vfc.r Permission allows user to read projects/tabs/nodes
vfc.w Permission allows user to create or update tabs/nodes Permission allows user to list folder contents and download data Permission allows user to upload and delete data. It implies the
sdi.dip.r Permission allows user to grant access to read the job status for data ingest process
sdi.dip.w Permission allows user to grant access to start data ingest process
sdi.dqp.d Permission allows user to grant access to delete a data query
sdi.dqp.e Permission allows user to grant access to create or get query execution jobs
sdi.dqp.r Permission allows user to grant access to read data query result
sdi.dqp.w Permission allows user to grant access to create a data query
sdi.dqp.x Permission allows user to grant access to execute a data query
sdi.reg.d Permission allows user to grant access to delete data registry information
sdi.reg.r Permission allows user to grant access to read data registry information
sdi.reg.w Permission allows user to grant access to create or update data registry information
sdi.smd.d Permission allows user to grant access to delete a semantic data model
sdi.smd.r Permission allows user to grant access to read a semantic data model
sdi.smd.w Permission allows user to grant access to create a semantic data model Permission allows user to read data from Opcenter Intelligence Permission allows user to write data to Opcenter Intelligence
  • You can add "User secrets" to use in URL with name and value pair to secure requested service. These secret parameters are not visible after they are got added.
  • You can add the custom user defined data using "Secret headers" via HTTP-Headers.

Edit http request

Switch node


The "switch" node routes messages based on the values set in the node properties. The node evaluates each of the values in the defined rules and thereafter forwards the message to its corresponding output once a match is found.

You can use this node to:

  • Check the msg.payload, simultaneously analyze the property and depending on the value set (true or false) and decide to route the messages.
  • To evaluate the rules against an individual message property or the result of a JSONata expression.

Change node


The "change" node sets, changes, deletes or moves properties of a message as required. The node can specify multiple rules that will be applied in the order they are defined.

You can use this node to:

  • Set a property.
  • Search and replace parts of a property.
  • Delete a property.
  • Move or rename a property.

Range node


The "range" node maps a numeric value to a different range.

You can use this node to:

  • Linear scaling of the received value.
  • Map values to a new range.

Split node


The "split" node splits a message into a series of messages. The property set of the node will define how messages can be split from the parent message.

You can use this node to create flows which perform common actions across a sequence of messages.

Join node


The "join" node joins a sequence of messages into a single message. The property set of the node will define how a message is joined into a single message.

You can use this node to create flows which perform common actions across a single message.

Csv node


The "csv" nodes converts and represents the csv (comma-separated values) format into its javascript object and vice versa.

Html node


The "html" extracts elements from an html document held in msg.payload using a CSS selector.

Json node


The "json" nodes converts and represents the json format into its javascript object and vice versa.

Xml node


The "xml" nodes converts and represents the xml (Extensible Markup Language) format into its javascript object and vice versa.

Yaml node


The "yaml" nodes converts and represents the yaml (Yaml Ain't Markup Language) format into its javascript object and vice versa.

Function node


The "function" node is used to run JavaScript code against the message object. You can write your Javascript code in the editor.

You can use this node to:

  • Design your JavaScript code here which will run against the messages passed. This in turn will return zero or more messages to downstream nodes for processing.
  • Design functions in the node properties and save them in the library. You can reuse the functions whenever required.

Onchange node


The "onchange" node caches the payload of the last received message internally and compares it with the payload of a newly arrived message.If there are differences between the payloads, the node forwards the message.

You use this node to react on changes and trigger the actions, for example send an email when the time series data has changed.

Read-context node


The "read-ctx" node reads the values from the context with the associated context type and key.

Context type Description
Flow With this context type, you can access the values only from the current tab.
Global With this context type, you can access the values from any tab.
Tenant With this context type, all the environment users can access the values from any tab.

Store-context node


The "store-ctx" node stores the values into the context with the specified context type and key. If the Time-To-Live (TTL) parameter is set, the value will disappear from the context after the given time period. The time period value must be between 1 and 15811200 seconds (183 days).

Context type Description
Flow With this context type, you can store the values only from the current tab.
Global With this context type, you can store the values from any tab.
Tenant With this context type, all the environment users can store the values from any tab.

Delay node


The "delay" node delays each message passing through the node or limits the rate at which they can pass. The message delay is set in milliseconds to the message. This option only applies if the node is configured to allow the message to provide the delay interval.


The "Combine and OnChange" node are exclusively available only in "Visual Flow Creator"

Parquet node


The "parquet" node converts the array format into parquet format and also it can read parquet file to generate output as JSON array. The following payload types will be converted using this node into array: buffer, base64 string or array of numbers. The following payload types will be converted into parquet file: array of objects.

Combine node


The "combine" node combines several messages into one and then sends it by default as an array of particular payloads. It also has the mode to combine multiple timeseries payloads into one array too.

Last update: December 20, 2024