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Viewing Metric usage data

Metric usage data of an application is viewed by both application operators and application consumers (IoT, Premium, Base, and Mendix tenants).

The following graphic displays the metric usage data of the application.


① Lists all the provisioned tenants
② Displays the graph with the metric usage details
③ Checkbox to include the raw data
④ Month picker to select the required month
⑤ Exports to download the .csv report
⑥ Aggregated method used and aggregated value of the tenant

Application operator

To view the metric usage data as an application operator, follow these steps:

  1. In the navigation tab, click "Operator" from "Applications".
  2. Select the application and click arrow in the preview section.
  3. Select the rule and click arrow in the preview section.
  4. Click "See Usages".

see usages

The list of all the provisioned tenants are displayed.

provisioned tenants

  1. Select the month.
    For more information on the monthly usage report of the application consumer, refer to Export data.
  2. Select the tenant and click "See details".
    The graph with the metric usage details is displayed.
    It is only possible to view the metric usage graph for the latest 3 months.


It takes up to 36 hours for the latest usage data to display on the graph. Data from the latest 3 months is displayed on the graph. To access data older than 3 months, click "Request Download".

Application Consumer

To view the metric usage data as an application consumer, follow these steps:

  1. In the navigation tab, click "Consumer" from "Applications".
  2. Select the application and click arrow in the preview section.


  1. Select the metric unit from the dropdown.
  2. Select the month from the month picker dropdown.
    The graph with the metric usage details is displayed.
    It is only possible to view the metric usage graph for the latest 3 months.


Once the usage data is submitted to Usage Transparency Services, it can take up to 36 hours for the data to be displayed on the graph. Data from the latest 3 months will be displayed on the graph. To access data older than 3 months, click "Request Download".

Last update: May 29, 2024