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A metric is a tenant specific data consumption with specific limits or targets of the subscription plans. Usage Transparency provides a list of metrics that enables you to track your resource consumption.

Supported metrics

The following table explains the supporting metrics with description:

Metric name (measurement unit) Description
Agents (Count) Total number of Siemens Connectivity agents.
Asset Instances (Count) An asset instance represents physical and logical devices within your tenant.
This is the total number of assets created in the tenant.
Note: The root assets from the tenant and subtenants are not counted.
Asset Types (Count) Asset type describes the type of an asset (for example, a generic motor) including one or several attributes.
This is the total number of asset types created within the tenant.
Backing Services - M (Hours) This is the total number of hours of backing service instances of size "M" used in the subscription limits per respective month.
Backing Services - M50 (Hours) This is the total number of hours of backing service instances of size "M50" used in the subscription limits per respective month.
Backing Services - M150_HA (Hours) This is the total number of hours of backing service instances of size "M150_HA" used in the subscription limits per respective month.
Backing Services - S10 (Hours) This is the total number of hours of backing service instances of size "S10" used in the subscription limits per respective month.
Backing Services - S10_HA (Hours) This is the total number of hours of backing service instances of size "S10_HA" used in the subscription limits per respective month.
Backing Services - XS (Hours) This is the total number of hours of backing service instances of size "XS" used in the subscription limits per respective month.
Cloud Foundry RAM (MB) This is the total amount of memory assigned to running applications in the Cloud Foundry ORG.
Data transfer volume via IPSec tunnel (GB) This is the total amount of data transferred via IPSec tunnel per respective month.
Data transfer volume via SNX tunnel (GB) This is the total amount of data transferred via Bring Your Own Tunnel (SNX) per respective month.
Event Instances (Count) An event instance represents the actual occurrence of an event (a defined situation). For example: 2018-07-10 15:45:23
This is the total number of created events.
Event Types (Count) The order and the content of an event instance are specified in the corresponding event type. For example: timestamp, priority and description.
This is the total number of custom created event types available for the event management.
File Storage (GB) File Storage represents the IoT File Service included in your subscribed plan.
This is the total size of the files uploaded to IoT File Service.
IDL Data Read (GB) This is the amount of data the customer can read in Integrated Data Lake calculated per respective month.
IDL Data Storage Space (GB) This is the maximum data storage capacity that is available in Integrated Data Lake per offering.
IDL Data Write (GB) This is the amount of data the customer can write in Integrated Data Lake calculated per respective month.
IDL Objects Stored (Count) This is the total number of objects that can be stored in the Integrated Data Lake.
IDL Read Operations (Count) This is the amount of read operations that the customer can perform on the Integrated Data Lake in the respective month.
IDL Write Operations (Count) This is the amount of write operations that the customer can perform on the Integrated Data Lake in the respective month.
IDL maximum number of search operations (Count) This is the amount of search operations per month that you can perform on Integrated Data Lake.
New uploads to the Store (count) This is the number of applications published to the Industrial IoT Store during the respective month.
Notifications (Count) It is the total number of notifications sent out via Notification Service.
One notification may be sent out to multiple recipients and will be counted accordingly.
OI Advance KPI IOT analysis (Count) This is the number of iot advance kpi created by users.
OI Visualizer data scan (GB) This is the volume of the data scanned by users.
Packages Created (Count) This is the number of existing packages created by the Package Builder. By default up to four packages can exist, if more are required, package upgrades can be purchased.
PPU Backing Services - Size independent (Hours) This is the total number of hours of all the backing service instances used above the subscription limits per respective month.
PPU Backing Services - M (Hours) This is the total number of hours of backing service instances of size "M" used above the subscription limits per respective month.
PPU Backing Services - M50 (Hours) This is the total number of hours of backing service instances of size "M50" used above the subscription limits per respective month.
PPU Backing Services - M150_HA (Hours) This is the total number of hours of backing service instances of size "M150_HA" used above the subscription limits per respective month.
PPU Backing Services - S10 (Hours) This is the total number of hours of backing service instances of size "S10" used above the subscription limits per respective month.
PPU Backing Services - S10_HA (Hours) This is the total number of hours of backing service instances of size "S10_HA" used above the subscription limits per respective month.
PPU Backing Services - XS (Hours) This is the total number of hours of backing service instances of size "XS" used above the subscription limits per respective month.
Count of IPSec router (Count) This is the total number of routers onboarded to VPN tunneling per respective month.
Rules Quota (Count) A rule is a condition based on which the overshooting or undershooting of a defined threshold value is monitored and an appropriate event is triggered.
It is the total number of rules that are activated - e.g. within Insights Hub Monitor.
SDI Connected Systems (Count) This is the number of registered data sources from where data is consumed from Semantic Data Interconnect.
SDI Data Storage (GB) This is the processed data stored in Semantic Data Interconnect.
SDI Outbound Traffic (GB) This is the outbound queried result traffic from Semantic Data Interconnect.
Subtenants (Count) Subtenants are subparts of a tenant and it represents an organization of your own or of a third-party that you are permitted.
It is the total number of the subtenants created in the "Settings" application on the tenant.
Technical Token Manager API calls (Count) This is the number of times technical token service API endpoints are accessed per month.
Time series data ingest rate (KB/s) This is the average transfer rate of all machine data sent to Timeseries service.
Timeseries Storage (GB) This is the amount of machine data that is stored for the tenant in Timeseries service.
Users (Count) It represents the users who have the permissions to log in to a tenant.
It is the total number of users that can log in to the tenant. These users are identified by their emails and are created in the "Settings" application on the tenant.
Insights Hub Business Intelligence Viewer Users (Count) This is the total number of users created in Insights Hub Business Intelligence (=Tableau Server). A user is created with the first login to Insights Hub Business Intelligence. To log in, the user needs the role mdsp:core:visualexplorer.viewer
Insights Hub Business Intelligence Creator Users (Count) This is the total number of users created in Insights Hub Business Intelligence (=Tableau Server). A user is created with the first login to Insights Hub Business Intelligence. To log in, the user needs one of the roles mdsp:core:visualexplorer.{explorer,interactor,administrator}.
VFC Compute Hours (Hours) This is the number of computing time (hours) used for running user created workflows in Visual Flow Creator on a monthly basis.


All the metrics are updated according to the default update cycle of approximately 4 hours. In some cases, the cycle may be longer due to a delay in extraction from the corresponding service. For the metrics with the specific cycles, the update cycle is displayed next to the respective metrics. For more information on the update cycle for each metric, refer to Services.

Last update: July 4, 2024