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"Offerings" allows you to track the usage metrics for your subscribed plans. You can view the current and past usage status, including purchased and used limits of the metrics associated with the tenant's subscribed plans. By analyzing the status of these metrics, you can manage or upgrade your plans.

The following graphic displays the Offerings screen with the metrics and the subscribed plans.


① Searches the offerings with subscribed plans
② Lists the offerings with subscribed plans
③ Searches the required metrics
④ Displays the list of metrics for the selected offering
⑤ You can add a comment for later reference
⑥ Details link displays the historic data of the metric

Usage status of metrics

To view the usage status of metrics, follow these steps:

  1. In the navigation tab, click "Offerings".
  2. Select the subscribed plan to view its status.

Current offerings

Past usage status of metrics

To view the past status of metrics, follow these steps:

  1. In the navigation tab, click "Offerings".
  2. Select the subscribed plan to view its status.
  3. Select the metric and click arrow.
  4. Select the tenant.
    Purchased limits and used limits of all the metrics of the selected plan for the selected tenant are displayed for the current month. Each metric name is followed by its measurement unit displayed in parentheses.
  5. To view the status of metrics for a specific month, select the required month from the month picker drop down.

    History offerings

Last update: May 29, 2024