System Manual
Usage Transparency user interface provides a transparency to gain insights into tenant specific consumption data (metrics) and the specific limits or targets of the subscription plans. It brings together various consumption data on the Industrial IoT platform that allows you to track the metrics that enables your utilization-based pricing models. The dashboards allow you to access required usage metrics for a specific time period. You can also generate usage reports in the .csv file format for further analysis. These reports helps you to track the metrics and make decisions about managing and upgrading your subscription plans.
The following graphic shows Usage Transparency user interface:
① Navigation tabs
② Lists all the available metrics
③ Displays the metric status overview of the tenant
Multilingual support
In Usage Transparency user interface, both English and Chinese languages are supported. To view the user interface in Chinese language, change your browser language settings.
User rights¶
To access the Usage Transparency application, you need the TenantAdmin role. For more information on roles, refer to Settings documentation.