Using subtenants¶
Environments and subtenants in "Settings"¶
An environment is the digital representation of a real organization. An environment contains users, data, assets and other properties.
An environment groups the users and offers them access to Insights Hub. All users within an environment have a common view of the saved data. By default, users only see the data of the assigned environment.
You can create and manage additional so-called subtenants within an environment. The subtenants can represent additional organizations or departments.
You can assign multiple users to a subtenant. Users of a subtenant only see the associated assets and subtenant data in the respective Insights Hub application.
You can find additional information on viewing assets and user rights of subtenants in the Asset Manager documentation .
Assignable roles to subtenant users¶
Only specific roles are useful or allowed for a subtenant user. To protect the administrator from misconfiguration, certain core roles are blocked from being assigned to subtenant users.
This blocking works in all directions:
- Subtenant users cannot be assigned to user groups that contain any non-assignable role.
- Roles cannot be assigned to user groups that have subtenant users.
You can assign the following roles to a subtenant user:
- mdsp:core:SubTenantUser,
- mdsp:core:fleetmanager.subtenantuser
- mdsp:core:va.subtenantusage
- mdsp:core:visualexplorer.viewer,
- mdsp:core:vfc.admin
- mdsp:core:vfc.user
- mdsp:core:vfc.viewer
Only Insights Hub core roles (mdsp:core:*) are blocked and explicitly unlocked for subtenants. All other roles are always unlocked.
As an administrator, you should always be careful with the assignment of users to roles and user groups.
"Subtenant" user interface¶
The following screenshot shows the "Subtenant" user interface:
① Creates a new subtenant
② List of created subtenants
③ Displays the subtenant name and description
④ Displays the subtenant assets in the Asset Manager
⑤ Edits the subtenant name and description
⑥ Deletes the subtenant
⑦ Edit the assignments for the selected subtenant.
Operator tenants do not support the subtenant functionality
The subtenant option is not available for Operator tenants. Settings in Operator tenants do not display the tab "Subtenants".
Create new subtenant¶
- You can create a subtenant only if you have first generated the provider information. With the initial design of the provider information, you need to read and confirm the provider information.
- You must agree to the associated terms and conditions. Entering basic information or formulating tenant provider links is necessary to create a subtenant.
Quota consumption
The creation of a new subtenant reduces your quota.
To create a new subtenant, proceed as follows:
- Select "Subtenant" in the left navigation.
- Click "Create subtenant".
- Enter the subtenant name and description within the "Create subtenant" screen.
- Click "Create subtenant".
The new subtenant is created successfully.
Assign users to a subtenant¶
You can assign a user to a subtenant during the user creation process by selecting the appropriate user type.
Ensure that you have created a subtenant and a subtenant user.
To assign a user to a subtenant, proceed as follows:
- Select "Subtenant" in the left navigation.
- Select the desired subtenant from the selection list.
- Click "Assign users".
- Select the user to be assigned from the list and click "Next".
- Click "Save" to save the configuration and then click "Close".
The user is successfully assigned to the subtenant.
Remove a user from a subtenant¶
You can remove a user from a subtenant when they are no longer needed for the associated roles and permissions within that specific subtenant. When a user is removed from a subtenant, they lose access to the resources, data, and associated assets specific to that subtenant.
To remove a user from a subtenant, proceed as follows:
- Click "Subtenant" in the left navigation.
- Select the desired subtenant from the selection list.
- Click "Assign users".
- Deselect the checkbox to remove the specific user from the list of available users.
- Click "Next" to proceed removing the user from the subtenant.
- Click "Save" to save the changes and then click "Close".
The user from the subtenant is removed successfully.