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Introduction to policies

A policy defines a specific set of subjects and it is allowed to perform certain actions on designated resources or resource groups. A set of actions and resources are bound by a rule, and a policy can have multiple rules.

Subjects are users or user groups who are allowed to perform certain actions on certain resources.

A rule is just a container that holds a tuple of actions and resources/resource groups. A policy can contain multiple rules. For more information on Resource Groups, refer to the section Creating a new Resource group.

The following screenshot shows the "Policies" user interface.


① Creates a new policy

② List of available policies for the tenant

③ Filters the available active or inactive policies

④ Subjects assigned to the selected policy can be Users or User groups

⑤ Created rules for the selected policy

⑥ Activates or deactivates the selected policy

⑦ Add a new rule for the selected policy

⑧ Edits the selected policy

⑨ Deletes the selected policy

⑩ Change the subjects for the selected policy and you can set to change assigned users or change assigned user groups

For more information on policies, refer to the section Resource Access Management.

Last update: October 1, 2024