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Customize OS Bar and Launchpad with "Provider" information

This section offers guidance on improving visibility and the user experience. It enables users to easily identify and access information related to specific providers directly from the Insights Hub OS Bar. For more information on the general content and functionality, refer to the OS Bar section.

Environment-specific adjustments

The "Provider" function allows you to customize your environment by providing your company name and logo for the OS Bar and the colors of your corporate identity for the Launchpad. Additionally, you can define links to custom pages, such as your corporate information or support page. These links will appear in the OS Bar on the Launchpad. If you do not create your own specifications, the default Siemens information will be displayed. You can individually configure the following for each environment with the "Provider" function:

  • Company information & branding
  • Links to additional information in different languages
  • Regions which contain several countries (only available within an Operator environment)

Support of multilingualism

Each environment is assigned to only a single country, but users from other countries can still access a environment. Typically, these users have their browsers set to their regional language.
The OS Bar of an environment displays company-specific links, which can be configured in different languages using the "Provider" function to support international users. If the browser's language is not configured, the links will be shown in the default language, which cannot be edited or configured.
Once a new language is configured in the "Provider" function, users will see the company-specific links in the language set in their browser.

Create regions


The "create regions" functionality is only supported in Operator environments.

The "Provider information" allows you to configure your own regions. With "Create regions", you can specify links for a certain region that involves several countries. For example, you can create a region for South America and add the respective countries, configure the language of the links as needed. This case occurs when different regions or countries have different legal requirements for links. For example, an environment in South America can see different information compared to an environment in Europe.

User interface "Provider"

The following screenshot shows the "Basic information" section within the "Provider" user interface:
Provider information ① Uploads or edits your company logo
② Adds or edits your company name
③ Changes the color of individual Launchpad elements
④ Shows a preview of the added information
⑤ Deletes the provider information

The following screenshot shows the "Tenant provider links" section within the "Provider" user interface:
Tenant provider link ① Shows the default language, which is adopted from the set browser language, as well as the option to add more languages using "Edit language"
② Creates a new bar to add the link details
③ Shows the link parameters and buttons for adjustments
④ Saves or cancels the settings

The following table shows a description of the link parameters:

Parameter Description
Type Select the link type: E-mail address, Web link, Telephone number
Name Add an individual name for the link.
Value Add a specific value for the link type: E-mail address, for example; URL, for example; Telephone number


The following table shows the buttons of the link parameters:

Symbol Description
url icon Opens the URL to check if it is correct.
email icon Opens your local e-mail client to check if it works.
telephone Opens a telephone app and asks if number shall be called.
downward icon Moves the link downwards.
upward icon Moves the link upwards.
delete icon Deletes the link.

Edit basic information

This section allows you to update the environment's basic information to customize the OS Bar. The Siemens logo is displayed by default. If a company name is provided, it will be shown. If a company logo is uploaded, the logo will be displayed, with the company name serving as a fallback. Furthemore, you can customize the look and feel of the Launchpad to better match your corporate identity.


To edit the basic information, proceed as follows:

  1. Select "Provider" in the left navigation.
  2. Click "Basic information".
  3. Upload your company logo as a png, gif or jpg file with a size less than 1 MB.
  4. Enter your company name.
  5. Click the checkmark button or press enter to confirm your changes.
  6. Define individual colors for the Launchpad elements.
  7. Click "Save" to save your configuration, or "Reset" to reset back to the default.

The "Basic information" section shows a preview of your company logo and company name in the OS Bar, and the colors in the Launchpad.

This section enables you to create links for different languages to support configuring website links with content available in various languages. Each link directs users to content in their preferred language, which makes it easier for them to access information in a language they understand.

The following example shows how you can define your own provider links in "Settings".

Example scenario

The MindEdge Corporation, based in Germany, has an environment with users from Spain. The links in the OS Bar should be displayed in the regional language Spanish for the Spanish users.


  • The new language "Spanish (es)" should be set.
  • The defined links should be displayed in the OS Bar in Spanish for Spanish users.


To create a new link for a new language, proceed as follows:

  1. Select "Provider" in the left navigation.
  2. Click on plus icon to open the "Tenant provider links" section.
  3. Select "Edit languages".
  4. Select the language to be configured for the translation of the links and click forward icon,e.g. "Spanish: Castilian".
  5. Click "Save" to save the selected language and then click "Close".
  6. To create a new link, select the language and click "Create link".
  7. Select the link type in the "Type" field, for example "www".
  8. Enter an individual name in the "Name" field, e. g. "Spanish support" .
  9. Enter a valid URL in the "Value" field, e. g. "" .
  10. Click url-icon to test the link.
  11. Click "Save" to save the configurations.

The selected new language "es" is displayed in addition to the default language "default":
Edit languages

The new link for the Spanish language is created within Settings. Spanish users will now see the Spanish link in their Launchpad and will be redirected to the specified URL.

Create new regions

This section facilitates the creation of new regions within the platform, which allows for the configuration to recognize and analyze data based on specific geographical areas.


The function "create regions" is only available in Operator environments.


To create a new region, proceed as follows:

  1. Select "Provider" in the left navigation.
  2. Click plus-icon to open the "Tenant provider links" section.
  3. Click "Create region".
  4. Add an individual region name.
  5. Select the countries from the "Available countries" list as needed.
  6. Click forward icon to assign the countries.
  7. Click "Create".


The new region is successfully created.

Last update: February 10, 2025