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May 2024


We have worked hard to deliver a great Insights Hub experience. These release notes are relevant for Insights Hub Release in May 2024 and include new and adjusted features, fixed issues. If you find other issues, please give us your feedback by contacting our Support.

21st May 2024

Cloud Foundry

Available and Updated buildpacks:

Buildpack Version stack Details
dotnet-core-buildpack 2.4.27 cflinuxfs3
go-buildpack 1.10.18 cflinuxfs3
java-buildpack 4.68 cflinuxfs3
nodejs-buildpack 1.8.24 cflinuxfs3
php-buildpack 4.6.18 cflinuxfs3
python-buildpack 1.8.23 cflinuxfs3
ruby-buildpack 1.10.13 cflinuxfs3
staticfile-buildpack 1.6.12 cflinuxfs3
mendix-buildpack 4.30.27 cflinuxfs3
mendix-buildpack 5.0.16 cflinux4
binary-buildpack 1.1.11 cflinuxfs3
php_buildpack_4467 4.4.67 cflinuxfs3
php_buildpack_4468 4.4.68 cflinuxfs3
staticfile_buildpack 1.6.12 cflinuxfs4
java_buildpack 4.68 cflinuxfs4
ruby_buildpack 1.10.13 cflinuxfs4
dotnet_core_buildpack 2.4.27 cflinuxfs4
nodejs_buildpack 1.8.24 cflinuxfs4
go_buildpack 1.10.18 cflinuxfs4
python_buildpack 4.8.23 cflinuxfs4
binary_buildpack 1.1.11 cflinuxfs4
php_buildpack 4.6.18 cflinuxfs4

Additional Info

Data Services


  • a9s PostgreSQL: The a9s PostgreSQL 10 is deprecated. Please ensure that you organize the migration of your existing instances to a more up-to-date version of the same a9s Data Service. For a9s PostgreSQL, a9s PostgreSQL 15 and 13 are available as GA versions.
    This deprecation follows the announcement in v44.0.0. The deprecation phase is planned to last until v53.0.0 (expected end of October 2024), in which the deprecated version will become unsupported. The creation of new a9s Data Service instances for this particular version will then be disabled by default in the a9s Data Service Bundle and we will not provide regular support for this version. The corresponding documentation will also be removed. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you start your migrations to a supported GA version as soon as possible and complete them until the end of the deprecation phase. For more information, see a9s Platform Operator Sunrise Sunset.

  • cflinuxfs3: All the apps running on cflinuxfs3 will be stopped.

14th May 2024

Insights Hub OEE

What's new?

  • With this release, we provide the following updates:
    • The configuration provides more flexibility and enables the users to read the equipment's design speed or cycle time directly from a variable. Product design speed information can be either fetched from a product code and associated product information or directly from a variable.
    • The performance page now features a new visualization around the calculated production target based on design speed or cycle time. This chart includes the calculated production goal, the total parts, and the good parts.
    • The "What's New" dialogue for Insights Hub OEE will show up after all major releases to inform customers about the new capabilities.
    • The downtime management page has an overwritten column which indicates which reasons were changed by the operators.

7th May 2024

Insights Hub OEE

What's new?

With this release, we provide the following updates:

  • it is now possible to read either a design speed or cycle time directly from a variable
  • Product design speed information can be fetched either from a product code and associated product information or directly from a variable
  • it is now possible to set up new products in product collections either with design speed or cycle time
  • Performance page now features a new visualization around production target including the calculated production goal, the total output and the good parts
  • we have introduced a What's new window within the application that provides an overview on newly released capabilities

Last update: June 18, 2024

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