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Common mistakes during deployment

The following sections lists the common mistakes that might occur during deployment of an application.

For additional information, refer to FAQs.

Improper unzipping of "appbinary"

During deployment of an application, consider the following factors:

  • Unzip the "" file correctly
  • The "path" parameter in the "manifest.yml" file should be as per the folder structure

For example, consider that the "" file has been downloaded from Operator Cockpit. After unzipping the "" file, the following files/folders are available:

  • manifest.yml
  • metadata.json
  • icon.png

Now, unzip the "" file correctly. After unzipping, make sure that the "path" parameter in the "manifest.yml" file is updated to point to the correct file. For reference, see the following image:

Mainfest file

① Folder path

② Corresponding file path defined in "manifest"


While executing the "cf push" command, the parameter "buildpack" will be automatically changed to "buildpacks" by Cloud Foundry.

Incorrect "manifest" file modifications

After unzipping "", the following factors should be considered:

  • The "path" parameter in "manifest.yml" should point to the correct file/files.
  • Except for the corresponding files of the application, there should not be any other additional/duplicate files in the folder where the .zip file is extracted.

The following conditions should be met with respect to the parameter names in "manifest" and "metadata" files:

  • "appname" parameter in "manifest" file matches with the "componentname" parameter in "metadata" file.
  • "serviceInstanceName" in the "manifest" file matches with the "instancename" in "metadata" file.
  • For an application, the total number of components that are defined in "manifest.yml" and "metadata.json" files should match.

Last update: January 22, 2024