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Application Lifecycle

The Application Lifecycle depicts the beginning from the development of an application until the release of an application. It defines all steps and processes that can be assigned to Developer Cockpit.

The Application Lifecycle describes the correlation between the developer and the operator. Therefore, the Application Lifecycle structures the processes into the following plans:

  • Developer Plan
  • Operator Plan
  • IoT Value Plan

The following graphic depicts the Application Lifecycle with the respective processes:

Application Lifecycle

Develop an application:

  • The developer develops the application in the local environment

Register and test the application:

  • The developer implements the application in Developer Cockpit
  • The developer tests the application in the Development test system
  • The developer assigns the application to operators
  • The developer sends the binaries of a registered application to the Application Repository

Sell and provide the application:

  • The operator downloads the application from the Application Repository and then deploys the application using Cloud Foundry Command Line
  • The operator deploys the application to the productive system
  • The operator sets a route to the tenant
  • Operator Cockpit publishes the application in Industrial IoT Store
  • Operator Cockpit provisions the application in a customer Launchpad

Purchase and use the application:

  • Users can make a subscription for applications from Industrial IoT Store
  • Users can access the application via Launchpad

Service Limitations

Developer Cockpit has some technical limitations as per the requirements. The following table provides the information of the technical service limits:

Service Limit per (request / tenant / 10 minutes)
You can create new application 20
You can fetch application's metadata for the tenant 200
You can update an application 100
You can "Register / De-register" an application 20
You can clone the application to create new version 10
You can get details of specific application 100
You can delete an application 20
You can get "Roles and Scopes" for an application 100


Technical service limits can be upgraded as per the requirements.

Last update: January 22, 2024