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MindConnect Software Agent in HyperV Host system

Hyper-V not enabled on IPC

If Hyper-V feature is not installed and enabled on IPC, following dialog appears:


In this case the setup will end, and the Hyper-V Windows feature has to be enabled in Windows control panel.

Thereafter restart your Windows, open MindConnect Software Agent setup again.

Hyper-V not enabled on PC

If Hyper-V feature is not installed and enabled on PC, following dialog appears:


In this case the setup will end and Windows has to be restarted before MindConnect Software Agent can be started again.

Windows Hyper-V is switched off

If the Windows Hyper-V is switched off, following dialog appears:


In this case the setup will end and the hypervisor has to be enabled manually using following command in a command prompt with adminstrative rights:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto

Afterwards, Windows has to be restarted before MindConnect Software Agent setup can be started again.

Last update: February 16, 2024