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Browsing datapoint of a datasource for MindConnect Nano

After adding the datasource, you can browse the datapoints for the selected data source.


  • This feature is only supported for OPC UA protocol.
  • During configuration of data points via browsing feature, performance may get impacted depending on the configuration and data points in Data Sources.

Supported protocols for Browsing

The following table shows the protocols which supports Browsing with the supported version of MindConnect Nano:

Protocol Browsing type MindConnect Nano
OPC UA dynamic V03.04.04.01 b003
SystemInfo static V03.04.06.00 b003
  • Static : For static browsing a predefined datapoint catalogue dependend on the MindConnect device and/or protocol type will be provided.
  • Dynamic : Current datapoint information will be retrieved from the selected device - this might take some time depending on the device configuration.


  • You have created a datasource.
  • After creating the datasource, click "Save".


To browse the datapoints of a datasource, follow these steps:

  1. In the "Assets" tab, select the asset.
  2. Click MindConnect Software Agent plugin.
  3. In "Datasource Configuration" view, click "Import".


  4. In the "Browse existing datasource" tab, select the data source and click Next step to proceed to datapoint selection step.

    import datasource

  5. After browsing the datasource to retrieve datapoints, navigate and select the datapoints to be imported.

    Select Data Point-step

  6. Click Next step to proceed to next step.

  7. Click "Start Import" to browse the datapoints for the selected data source.

    Start Import Browsing


For Browsing, Overwriting the existing configuration is not available.


The available datapoints are displayed for the selected data source.


① Check and uncheck to select the datapoints of a data source

② List of the datapoints of the selected data source

③ Re-loads the datapoints forcefully

④ Displays the number of selected datapoints

Last update: October 28, 2024