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Creating an Event Subscription

Event Subscription allows you to subscribe the events to get notifications. You can register the destination Service Bus for Azure and Simple Notification Service for AWS to get notifications, which will be published by Integrated Data Lake service. These notifications include object events like create, update or delete in the environment prefix. You can add, view, edit and delete event subscriptions.

If the permission to send notification to the Service Bus or Simple Notification Service topic is removed or if there is any misconfiguration, the tenantAdmin is notified via email to check and respond. Even the status of the subscription will be changed to "Inactive" on the user interface. You can change the status to "Active" by resolving the configuration in the user interface.


Subscription name is not mandatory. Incase the name is not provided, default name for the subscription will be chosen as (subscription_<<unique_identifier>>).


To subscribe the events with the notifications, follow these steps:

  1. In the left navigation, click "Event Subscription". The Event Subscription screen is displayed.
  2. In the "Event Subscription" screen, select the Tenant Subscriptions and click forward icon.
  3. Click create event subscription icon.


    • Enter the "Name".
    • Enter the path for storage.
    • Enter the path for destination.
  4. Click "Save".


  • You can only change the status from "Inactive" to "Active".
  • Maximum 15 Event Subscriptions can be created for each environment.
  • If the subtenant is deleted, you can only view its existing event subscriptions and delete them if not required.

Last update: February 13, 2024