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Insights Hub Monitor - Production Copilot


Insights Hub Production Copilot is an assistant integrated into Insights Hub Monitor, supported by artificial intelligence (AI).

Production Copilot User Interace

Users of Insights Hub Monitor can leverage Generative AI technology to query shopfloor manuals and maintenance-related documents stored in the Integrated Data Lake, saving valuable time spent troubleshooting and performing maintenance tasks.

The Production Copilot provides a chat interface where users can ask questions in natural language about their related documents.

How it works

The chat interface can be opened via the dedicated button in the header:
Copilot Button

The Production Copilot uses specific documents stored in the tenant's Integrated Data Lake (IDL). You can either upload a file to be used or tag specific files already stored there.

The Production Copilot uses these files with a large language model (LLM) to generate answers to your questions.

Users can see which files are in use and can add or delete files from the database.

Questions that do not relate to the user's documents cannot be answered.

The workflow from documents to an answer in the chat follows these steps:

  1. Upload files (if not already available).
  2. Tag files with copilot in IDL.
  3. Sync files, to add them to the Production Copilot's database.
  4. Ask related questions in the chat.


Inital steps

First of all, documents must be made available to the Production Copilot to answer any questions. Otherwise, you will see a message requesting to make documents available.

No documents available

There are two ways to get documents usable in the Production Copilot:

  1. Upload data using the chat interface.
  2. Reuse data already stored in IDL.

Upload data using the chat interface - the easy way

Files can be uploaded using the related button in the chat or simply by dragging and dropping a file into the chat window.

The file(s) will appear in the chat dialog and are ready to upload.
Document upload

  • After confirming the upload, the document is:

    • Uploaded to the copilot folder in IDL.
    • Automatically tagged with a copilot tag
    • Synced with the Production Copilot to be able to answer questions
      Depending on the file size, this step can take some time.
  • Finally, you will see a message that the document is processed and ready to work with
    Document ready

Reuse data already stored in IDL - the advanced way

If you have documents already stored in IDL, you can make them usable for the Production Copilot. Here, you have to do the steps manually, which were automatically done for you in the previous section.

To do this, you can tag all supported file types in IDL with a copilot tag:

  • Navigate to the specific file using IDL Manager and open the Metadata Tags view. Here, the tag copilot should be set.
    Set copilot tag in IDL

  • Switch to Insights Hub Monitor and open the Settings menu from the sidebar. Switch to the tab Production Copilot
    Settings menu

  • The new file is listed here with the status Out of sync:
    Monitor Settings file out of sync

Sync files

In the Production Copilot settings, there are different ways to sync the files.

  • Using the context menu of a single file you can click on Sync. Afterwards the file is added to the Production Copilot's database and questions can be asked for this related file.
  • Furthermore you can click on Sync all in the table header to sync all files, which are currently not in sync.
  • Additionally there is an option Force sync in the table headers context menu, which additonally resets the tenants database before starting a new sync.
  • All sync operations can only be triggered by a Tenant Admin - having the role mdsp:core:TenantAdmin.

Initial sync duration

Please be aware that the duration of the initial sync may vary based on the number and size of the files. It is recommended to start the Sync all job overnight for optimal results.
In case a sync job temporarily fails, for instance due to rate limiting, you can initiate a single sync for the specific file at a later time.

Remove files

If you want to remove a file from the database, remove the copilot tag in IDL Manager. In Monitor "Settings", files are marked for deletion where the tag is no longer available. After clicking delete, the file is removed from the database, and the Production Copilot will not answer any related questions anymore.

Monitor Settings

Ask questions

Now let's ask a question related to an uploaded and synced document. Production Copilot not only tries to answer the question, but it also generates related follow-up questions that a user can just click.
Question answered

For optimal responses, provide detailed questions.

  • If Production Copilot answers a question related to a stored document, the answer shows a resource badge, where the best source for this answer can be checked out.
    Document reference

  • The document can be opened in a preview by clicking on the badge.

  • In the header of some file types also the page number is displayed. Click on the document page to verify the answer in the document viewer.
    Document preview

  • If you accidentally deleted the chat or want to reuse a previous command, you can use the history button to select one of the last 10 questions.
    History of last used messages

  • For events, where you have might have stored related documents, you can use the integrated buttons to ask questions regarding the event description.
    In the following screens, users can select an event and ask Production Copilot for more information.

    • Home Screen
      Use the context menu of the last 5 errors
    • Events overview
      Select an event first
    • Assets > Events Select an event first

    Click the Ask the Copilot button. The Copilot chat window will open and use the event description for asking for more information.
    Ask the Copilot The Production Copilot will create a question using the event description.

    The same functionality is also available in Explore > Events as well as in Explore > Assets > Events. Just select an event, and use the dedicated button. Please note, that you need related documentation in sync.
    Ask the Copilot


The settings of Insights Hub Monitor contains a separate overview about the Production Copilot settings.

Copilot settings tab

It shows details to the used quota and the management of the used files.

Copilot settings tab


The quota section displays the current consumption. The values might differ according to your offering or purchased quota.

Copilot Quota

  1. File quota:
    Available file quota for the Production Copilot considering all synced files.

  2. Prompts per hour:
    The number of prompts the current user has sent in the last hour. This value recovers automatically - only the last 60 minutes are considered.

  3. Prompts per month:
    The number of prompts all users of your tenant can/have send per month. This value recovers each beginning of a new month.

If you reach the quota limit, for example, with the hourly limit, you will also see a message in the chat when you ask a question. Wait some time or request more quota using the upgrade offering.

Production Copilot quota reached


In the files section all files are listed, which relates to the Production Copilot.

The status of each file is displayed as well as actions e.g. to sync a file or navigate to the IDL Manager.

The following status are currently supported:

Status Description
The file is ready to ask questions for it. Production Copilot can answer questions for all files with this status.
The file is tagged in IDL, but has not been synced with the Production Copilot's database. Start a sync, before you can ask related questions.
Sync of the file with Production Copilots database is in progress. Depending on the file size, this can take some time.
The file was in sync with Production Copilot, but the tag has been removed. Delete the file from the database, to ensure that you cannot ask any related questions anymore.
The file is tagged in IDL, but the file type is not supported. Delete the tag from IDL and refresh the page.
Something went wrong during the sync process. You can copy error details to send it to your related contact.

Prerequisites and Limitations

Due to the usage of different services in Insights Hub, different roles are needed for the best user experience.

See, for example, the following personas and their required roles.

Persona Roles Required Descriptions
Tenant Administrator mdsp:core:TenantAdmin, mdsp:core:idlmanager.admin Tenant Admin with Copilot access. They handle the data in IDL with full access and are also able to sync files with the Production Copilot.
Copilot User with Access to IDL mdsp:core:StandardUser, mdsp:core:idlmanager.user This user can use the Production Copilot, check the references, and navigate to IDL Manager as well as preview the files.
Monitor User without Copilot Access mdsp:core:oi.viewer, mdsp:core:launchpad.user This user has only access to the Monitor but no Production Copilot access.

Important Remarks:

  • This product utilizes IDL resources. Please ensure sufficient IDL capacity to guarantee smooth operation.
  • When an administrator syncs a file, the file, its content, or generated answers will be available to every user of the Production Copilot, even if they are not the owner of the file or have access to it in the IDL Manager.
  • The files which are synced are sent to the LLM. Safeguard your privacy by refraining from sharing sensitive data.
  • You will get the best results for questions asked in English.
  • When you upload your own documents, please note the following:
    • Supported file formats are pdf, json, txt, or csv.
    • Do not use umlauts, spaces, or special characters in the file name.
    • Check before upload if the text can be selected with the cursor.
      Currently, pictures in documents are not analyzed.
      The same applies to documents where the text cannot be selected with the cursor (e.g., scans).
    • For a question, relevant files are ranked by their relevance. A maximum of 4 different files will be returned in the answer.
    • Asking for a summary of a document is currently not supported.
    • The Production Copilot cannot respond with a list of files used. Use the Production Copilot Settings instead.

FAQs and Best Practices

Questions Could Not Be Answered

In case your question cannot be answered, follow the next hints to improve:

  • Did you check that a related file with useful content is uploaded to the system and synced with the Production Copilot?
    Check the status of this file in the Production Copilot settings.
  • Is your question specific enough to find the right document?
    Ask "What is the maintenance interval of my wastewater pump from manufacturer XYZ?" instead of only "What is the maintenance interval for my pump?"
  • Did you ask multiple questions regarding different topics in one conversation?
    Start a new conversation to avoid polluting the chat history with other topics.

Handling of Data Contained in Long Tables

In case you want to provide documents with tabular data to the Production Copilot, please consider the following:

  • Production Copilot will perform a search based on keywords to determine if any of your documents contain relevant data for the user's question.
  • For tabular data, the table header often contains relevant keywords - e.g., "Honing machine error code."
  • Production Copilot will only consider document content that is in "local proximity" to the keyword. For the example above, error codes below the table header will be considered for the search.
  • If you have a long table that spans multiple pages, make sure that the table header is repeated on each page. Otherwise, not all data will be considered by the Copilot.

One way of achieving this is as follows:

  • Open your table in Excel.
  • Select File > Print > Page Setup > Sheet.
  • Go to the setting "Rows to repeat at top" and select the header area.

This will ensure that your table header shows up on each page. Check for correctness via print preview. Then export the page to PDF via File > Export, and upload the file as described above.

Offering and Upgrades

Production Copilot is integrated into Insights Hub Monitor for subscribers of Insights Hub Standard and Advanced Capability Packages.

These are the current quotas in the default packages.

Parameter Description Value with STANDARD Value with ADVANCED
copilot_maxPromptsPerConversation The number of prompts in a single conversation.
10 10
copilot_maxPromptsPerHour The number of prompts you can send per hour. 10 20
copilot_maxPromptsTotalPerMonth The number of prompts users of your tenant can send per month. 100 200
copilot_maxSizeSingleFile The maximum file size of a single file which can be synced.
50MB 50MB
copilot_maxSizeSyncedFiles Available file quota for the Production Copilot. 100MB 200MB

The UPGRADE provides additionally:

Parameter Description Value
copilot_maxPromptsTotalPerMonth Additional number of prompts users of your tenant can send per month. 500
copilot_maxSizeSyncedFiles Additional file quota for the Production Copilot. 500MB


If you have any questions, your sales representative, customer success manager, or our customer support team is here for you.

Last update: January 15, 2025