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Introduction to Insights Hub Monitor Dashboards

Insights Hub Monitor Getting Started Video videoplayer

Monitor Dashboards consolidate various types of dashboards in Insights Hub, making them accessible in one place:

The plugin displays a list of all dashboards accessible to the user.

Dashboards from the following applications are supported:

  • Dashboard Designer (DD)
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Visual Flow Creator (VFC)

Dashboards Overview

There are several ways to open the dashboards overview from the Insights Hub Monitor landing page.

To view the list of the dashboards you have access to, click the following options:

  • Explore icon and select Dashboards.
  • See details link in the Status section.
  • Explore dashboards link under Quick links > Explore.

To create new dashboards, you can navigate using the following paths:

  • Create new dashboard link under Quick links > Configure.
  • Add a Dashboard link on the Dashboards summary page.

Here is an example of the Insights Hub Monitor landing page, showing the location of the links described above.

Dashboard links

Depending on the type, the dashboard cards provide different information:

Feature DD BI VFC
Dashboard type x x x
Dashboard owner / creator x x x
Dashboard name x x x
Open the dashboard within Monitor x x x
Open the dashboard in an extra tab x - x
Edit existing dashboards x - -
Dashboard description - - x
Dashboard picture - - x

If dashboard editing is not allowed, you can still update the dashboards in the originator application.

Dashboard card

  • A click on the card itself will open the dashboard within the Monitor frame.
  • The edit button opens the dashboard in the original application (e.g., Dashboard Designer) for editing.
  • The dashboard can also be opened in a separate tab.

The dashboard overview allows you to search for a specific dashboards. The search considers not only the dashboard name but also the originating tool and the dashboard owner. If you are only interested in dashboards you created, you can use the quick filter.

Dashboard Overview Header with search and quick filter

If you open a dashboard within Monitor by simply clicking on the card, you will also have some basic functionality available in the header:

Opened, integrated Dashboard

  • Navigate back to the dashboards overview
  • Create an annotation
  • Extend the dashboard to full screen

Viewing a Dashboard Designer Dashboard

The default tool for creating dashboards is Dashboard Designer.

Integrated Editor

If you are not subscribed to Dashboard Designer, only the basic functionality is available. If your subscription includes Dashboard Designer, you have access to the full feature set.

Users with the assigned role oi.creator can not only view but also add new dashboards. In this case, the button Add a dashboard is shown in the top right corner. The dashboard editor opens in a separate tab.

Follow these steps:

  • Add a query for data, which shall be displayed.
  • Choose a visualization.
  • Add further panels on the dashboard.
  • Save the dashboard.

Create new dashboard in Dashboard Designer

For more information on creating a dashboard, refer to Dashboard Designer.

Viewing Dashboards in Full Screen

Dashboards created in Dashboard Designer open in full-screen mode by default, without any toolbars or sidebars.


To exit the full-screen mode, press the ESC key on the keyboard.

Viewing a Business Intelligence Dashboard

The Dashboards list includes all the dashboards that you are allowed to access in Business Intelligence.

The "Dashboards" screen also displays dashboards created in the "Business Intelligence" and shared with you. To view the dashboards created with the Business Intelligence, ensure that you have those Business Intelligence licenses and one of the following roles assigned:

  • mdsp:core:visualexplorer.viewer
  • mdsp:core:visualexplorer.publisher
  • mdsp:core:visualexplorer.interactor
  • mdsp:core:visualexplorer.administrator

To control which dashboards are available for a certain user or user group, you can leverage the fine-grained content access options within Business Intelligence. Here you can manage permissions for projects, workbooks and views individually. For more information on user permissions, refer to User rights in "Insights Hub Business Intelligence" or Manage Content Access.

Viewing a Visual Flow Creator Dashboard

If a role for Visual Flow Creator is assigned to you, you can see the existing Visual Flow Creator dashboards in the dashboard overview section.

Dashboards created by Visual Flow Creator support additional the following information on a card:

  • Dashboard picture
  • Dashboard description

For more information on how to create a dashboard in Visual Flow Creator, refer to the Visual Flow Creator Documentation.


If you have a dashboard opened and find something of worth remembering, you can create an annotation. The annotation requires a description and can be enhanced with tags. The annotation is created in the context of the user and with the current timestamp.

Create annotation

All annotations can be found in the "Events" Overview. Here you can also use the filters of the table to find all the annotations with a specific tag.

Last update: October 7, 2024