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Provisioning Private Cloud Tenant

This section explains on the process of creating and configuring tenants in the Insights Hub Private cloud environment.

Tenant Information

A tenant is a user or group with specific access privileges to Insights Hub services, ensuring data isolation while sharing common infrastructure. Key information stored about a tenant includes:

  • Tenant Name
  • Tenant Email (used for IAM zone sign-in)
  • Tenant Address
  • Tenant Type
  • Sold-To ID

Types of Tenants

Tenants are categorized based on their roles and plans:

Tenant Type Plan Available Options
User MindAccess IoT Value Plan S - Small
M - Medium
L - Large
Developer MindAccess Developer Plan S - Small
M - Medium
L - Large
Operator MindAccess Operator Plan S - Small
M - Medium
L - Large


The following requirements must be fulfilled:

  • The tenant name must be unique.
  • The tenant name must be locked first using the tenant management service.
  • The tenant ID and name must be identical.
  • The organization corresponding to the tenant must also be unique.
  • The contract end date must be greater than the start date.

Tenant Provisioning

Provisioning service is responsible for the fulfillment of Insights Hub offerings for the customer.

To provision a tenant through the provisioning service, follow the required attributes:

Attribute Description Possible Value Default Value Required
transactionId Unique Id for the request sent for provisioning 🗸
sender Sender system.
Any new sender system should contact Dev team
DE - Digital Exchange, OC - Operator Cockpit etc 🗸
tenants: soldToId Unique identifier of customer can be with a length of 2 to 60
tenants: offeringId Unique Identifier of the Offering Offering Table 🗸
tenants: tenantId Unique identifier for the tenant of the customer.
There could be multiple tenants under one customer
can be length 2 to 8, start with a lowercase letter and must contain only lowercase letters and numbers 🗸
tenants: prefix Prefix of the tenant can be length 2 to 8, start with lowercase letter, must contain only lowercase letters and numbers 🗸
tenants: name Name of the tenant can be length 2 to 8, start with lowercase letter, must contain only lowercase letters and numbers
tenants: displayName Display name of the tenant can be length 2 to 255
tenants: companyName Company name of the tenant can be length 2 to 255
tenants: country Country of the tenant Country must contain only uppercase letters. 2 characters
tenants: contractStartDate Contract start date for quota (format - yyyy-mm-dd)
tenants: contractEndDate Contract end date for quota ((format - yyyy-mm-dd))
tenants: allowedToCreateSubtenant Is tenant allowed to create subtenants true/false
tenants: notify Action to be performed with the given Offering details.
"YES" is to receive notification on purchased offerings
"NO" to suppress notification
tenants: administrator: email Email address of the Administrator
tenants: administrator: name: familyName Family Name of the Administrator can be length 2 to 36, start with uppercase letter 🗸
tenants: administrator: name: givenName Given Name of the Administrator can be length 2 to 36, start with uppercase letter 🗸
tenants: administrator: name: middleName Middle Name of the Administrator can be length 2 to 36, start with uppercase letter 🗸
tenants: administrator: name: formatted Formatted name of the Administrator
tenants: administrator: name: honorificPrefix Honorific prefix of the Administrator
tenants: administrator: name: honorificSuffix Honorific suffix of the Administrator

Provisioning URL

Use the following URL to initiate tenant provisioning: https://gateway.{domainURL}/api/provisioning/v4/tenantsProvisioningJobs.

The steps for provisioning a tenant vary slightly depending on the type of tenant.

  1. User Tenant Provisioning

    To provision a user tenant, specify the offering ID - 1000, which denotes the "MindAccess IoT Value Plan". The offering ID may vary based on size (S, M, L).

  2. Developer Tenant Provisioning

    To provision a developer tenant, specify the offering ID - 2000, which denotes the "MindAccess Developer Plan". The offering ID may vary based on size (S, M, L).

  3. Operator Tenant Provisioning

    To provision an operator tenant, specify the offering ID - 3000, which denotes the "MindAccess Operator Plan". The offering ID may vary based on size (S, M, L).

Validating the status of tenant provisioning

After tenant provisioning is completed, it is required to validate if it is successfully completed through the following steps:

  1. Check Provisioning Status:

    Use the following URL to check the status of the provisioning: https://{{ gateway }}/api/provisioning/v4/transaction/{{ transactionid }}.

  2. If Provisioning has Failed:

    • Check the error message in the response.
    • Refer to the error code and its description.
  3. If Provisioning is Successful:

    • You will receive two emails to the email address used during tenant creation:
      • ADFS Email: Contains the Insights Hub Launchpad URL.
        Sample Email: "Insights Hub Account Activation.msg"
      • Provisioning Email: Confirms the successful completion of tenant provisioning and includes the Insights Hub Launchpad URL.
        Sample Email: "Welcome to Insights Hub.msg"
  4. Accessing Insights Hub:

To access Insights Hub, an ADFS account is required:

  • If you do not have an ADFS account, contact Siemens OPS team to request an ADFS account (provide your tenant name and email ID).
  • You will receive an email with your ADFS account credentials (username and password).
  • Use the credentials to log in to Insights Hub.

Last update: January 31, 2025