Monitoring Prometheus Operator¶
This section explains the steps to configure and monitor the Prometheus Operator on a Kubernetes cluster. It includes customizing the Helm chart with tolerations, affinity, storage settings and configuring Prometheus to monitor external services.
To configure Prometheus Operator, follow the steps:
Clone the Prometheus Operator repository.
Update the Helm Chart with the following parameters in the
file.Note: No additional configurations are required for the node exporter, as it is deployed as a
Update tolerations and affinity for Grafana,
, Prometheus and the Prometheus Operator.tolerations: - key: "domain" operator: "Equal" value: "devops" effect: "NoSchedule" affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: "devops/prometheus" operator: "In" values: - "true"
Add storage specifications for Prometheus.
storageSpec: volumeClaimTemplate: spec: storageClassName: longhorn accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"] resources: requests: storage: 50Gi
Add job configurations to monitor external services outside of Kubernetes.
- job_name: 'hbase-master' scrape_interval: 60s honor_labels: true static_configs: - targets: ['<ip-address>','<ip-address>.13:17001','<ip-address>.193:17002','<ip-address>:17002'] - job_name: node-exporter scrape_interval: 30s honor_labels: true static_configs: - targets: ['<ip-address>:9100','<ip-address>:9100','<ip-address>:9100']
Enable or disable services as per the configuration in
.- Install the Prometheus Operator using Helm:
helm install <name> ./prometheus_operator -n <namespace>
- Upgrade the existing Prometheus Operator deployment:
helm upgrade <name> ./prometheus_operator -n <namespace>
Configure and expose Grafana and Prometheus as Ingress resources for external access.
- Install the Prometheus Operator using Helm:
Enable metrics for the backend service and add a
.Add the label release:
in theServiceMonitor
to associate it with the release name from step 3. -
Verify the status of the monitor service within the Prometheus dashboard to ensure that it is scraping the required metrics.
Use the Prometheus UI or CLI to check the service status on Prometheus.
Add the corresponding dashboard.