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Resource Requirements

This section provides information on configuring the system before installation. It includes system settings, network setup, service integration and storage management to align the system with the specific operational requirements.

Cluster Management Tools

Service Version
Rancher 2.7.10
K8S 1.26.8
VM OS Rocky Linux release 8.10 (Green Obsidian)/RHEL:8.10
VM OS(tableau server) Rhel: 8.X/Rocky Linux release 9.3 (Blue Onyx)

Node and Storage Specification

Purpose Storage Size (Each Node) IOPS Required Storage Type
OS Cluster Bootstrap node
Master node (X3)
MDSP services worker (X13)
Backing services worker (X5)
120 GB
120 GB
220 GB
220 GB + 47 TB (for Data Storage, Total)
Kafka: 9 TB
Ceph : 8 TB
ES: 2 TB
DB : 0.2 TB
RabbitMQ : 0.1 TB
Redis : 0.1 TB
Spark : 0.1 TB
Monitoring : 0.3 TB
PGO: 15T
Tableau: 2T


The storage requirement may vary depending on changes in the load factor and usage patterns. The numbers provided below are based on a baseline scenario, considering a load factor of 5,000 total assets and 1,500 concurrent assets, each with 20 data points.

Component Storage Size Estimated Storage
Ceph 8T
PostgreSQL/year 12T 10-11 TB for 1 year of IoT data storage ( Considering load factor – 1500 concurrent Assets with 20 data points each ).
Kafka 9T
RabbitMQ 0.1T
Spark 0.1T
Redis 0.1T
Tableau 2T
Monitoring+logging >3T

VM Machine Configuration

  • Master, Ceph, and Iaas/Ops should be distributed across different physical machines.
  • Postgresql Cluster
    • 12 TB + 600G (System Storage)
    • Ceph storage: 8T
    • Supports storage for 1,500 agents for limited (XXX) days data store. Additional storage required for more agents or longer durations.
  • OPS Logging Storage
    • 2.1 T storage capacity allocated for OPS logging.
    • Supports storing logs for 2 days. Additional storage is needed for storing or searching through more logging data.

Last update: January 28, 2025