Deploying KServe¶
This section provides steps for installing and deploying KServe, including enabling the NAT module, creating pull image secrets, following a defined deployment order and installing services using Helm commands.
Enable the
NAT module on each node by running the following command:modprobe iptable_nat
Create a pull image secret in the specified namespaces:
Namespace: knative-serving
Namespace: mdsp-bk-kserve
Namespace: istio-system
kubectl create secret docker-registry mdsp-registry-secret --docker-username=xiotlpccertcr --docker-password=JeBd0hJq60vv8Mu2HkQz6zCzPnVMN7Ag8d5egz52Ys+ACRBFheo9
Follow the deployment order to install services and components in the correct sequence across their respective namespaces.
Sl no Service Namespace 1 cert-manager cert-manager 2 istio istio-system 3 knative-serving-crd 4 knative-serving knative-serving 5 kserve-crd 6 kserve mdsp-bk-kserve -
Navigate to the kServe directory and install the services using Helm.
cd kserve helm -n cert-manager install cert-manager cert-manager helm -n istio-system install istio istio helm -n knative-serving install knative-serving-crd knative-serving/knative-serving-crd helm -n knative-serving install knative-serving knative-serving/knative-serving helm -n mdsp-bk-kserve install kserve-crd kserve/kserve-crd helm -n mdsp-bk-kserve install kserve kserve/kserve
Last update: January 31, 2025