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To fully enable the Insights Hub Energy Optimizer (EO) features, it is necessary to connect to energy resource data and other context variables from the asset of interest. Insights Hub EO does not require special devices to collect the data from the machines and lines. The only mandatory condition is that the data is stored in the timeseries database and structured properly. These energy variables can also be aligned with the configuration in Energy Manager.

The following table lists the variables that are used in various Energy Optimizer use cases. For each variable, there is a description on the use case that it enables. The usage of the variable is explained in detail in the configuration section.

Variable Common Datatype Comment
Resource DOUBLE This is the energy resource of interest. Multiple resources can be defined for each asset.
Status BOOLEAN, INT, LONG, STRING Status is the state or phase of the asset operation. It is necessary to fully enable energy efficiency calculations.
Product INT, LONG, STRING The product that is currently produced by the asset. Necessary to filter results by product and to setup product level energy notifications.
Batch INT, LONG, STRING The batch of products currently produced by the asset. Necessary to enable batch based aggregation of energy data for the notification configuration.
Reference INT, LONG, DOUBLE The quantity of parts produced on the asset. Necessary to calculate the KPIs on a per unit level.

Last update: January 15, 2025