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Models Overview

The models overview page allows you to view and manage all your models on Insights Hub Energy Optimizer. This page can be accessed by clicking the models-icon icon.

On the right pane, the information on total number of configured models and the number of models in "Ready" and "Running" states is displayed.

If the model is in the "Ready" state, then this model is completely configured but not yet set to "Running". If the model is in the "Running" state, then the model is actively deployed to monitor an Energy Resource on an Energy Consumer. A "Running" model uses one unit of your model quota.


Each model's details is displayed as a model card where, the model name, the Energy Consumer and the Energy Resource details are displayed. In addition, the last updated date and its current status is also displayed.


Click the operator-alerts-button button to navigate to the "Operator Alerts" analysis view for that Energy Consumer.

Click on the icon icon to view the possible actions for that model. This includes the options to configure the model, edit and delete the model.


To create a new model, click the create-model-button button which re-directs you to the model building wizard, described in the Model Configuration section.

Last update: January 15, 2025