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Analysis Package “Data Upload”

The analysis package "Data Upload" allows you to upload defined data to a target asset.


Only low frequency data are supported for this analysis package. High frequent vibration data like the data of SM1281 cannot be configured for a data upload with this analysis package.

Data upload

① Save, cancel or delete changes

② Package name

③ Input fields for name and description of the analysis

④ Input field for the settings of the analysis

⑤ Data that has to be uploaded

⑥ Assignments of this Analysis Package is within Project

Parameter of "Data Upload"

The following table shows the parameters of the "Data Upload" analysis package:

Area Parameter Description
General Name Add an individual name for the analysis package.
Description Add an individual description (optional).
Settings Upload Interval [min] Add the time interval for the upload of the data.
Data Data Storage Define the target asset, into which the resulting data shall be uploaded to.
Data Table The data table shows all data points which have been assigned from the context bar and are used as input data for the analysis package.

Last update: January 22, 2024