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Create a new Analysis Package


  • Vibration channels VIB1 to VIB4 are configured within edge device.
  • Edge device configuration is created within Edge Analytics.

    • Individual structure is created within "Resources".
    • Edge device activation.
  • Establish a connection between edge device and Edge Analytics Engine.


To create and configure a new analysis package, follow these steps:

  1. Select an edge device from "Edge Device" tab.
  2. Select "Resources" in the main selection.
    • The created structure within the navigation appears.
  3. Select the folder within the configuration structure.
  4. To create a new analysis package, click the button to create a new analysis package.
    • In the configuration area the available analysis packages are displayed.


You have created a new analysis configuration. The new configuration is displayed in the tree structure:

Analysis configuration

If you want to edit the configuration again, select the analysis package in the selection list and click on Edit in the configuration area.

See also

Analysis packages

Last update: January 22, 2024