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Introduction to Components

Components are definitions which contain information about Exciter Frequencies of certain mechanical component. These can be Motor, Generators, Gears, Pumps, Bearings, etc.

Within a dedicated section in Edge Analytics, such Components can be defined and structured globally for a environment. In a Project, Components then can be assigned to Assets, to inherit the containing frequency information. With the Complex Data Plugin, Frequency Markers can be visualized for a spectrum, based on the available frequency information.

The frequency information can be defined in Order or Frequency(Hz).

Markers of type Frequency are displayed at the target Frequency for a Frequency Spectrum. For an Order Spectrum they are displayed at the corresponding Order, which is calculated with the reference speed.

Markers of type Order are displayed at the target Order for an Order Spectrum. For a Frequency Spectrum they are displayed at the corresponding Frequency, which is calculated with the reference speed.


① Components repository.
② Component configuration area.
③ Edit Save and Delete Buttons.

For the visualization of the Frequency Markers, please refer to Chapter "Data Visualization".

Last update: January 22, 2024