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Migration from Dashboard Designer v6 to v10

This section describes the steps to migrate from Dashboard Designer v6 to Dashboard Designer v10.

Step-by-Step Guide

To upgrade your dashboards in Dashboard Designer V6 to Dashboard Designer v10, you can migrate them individually or in bulk. The following steps outline the migration process for your v6 dashboards:

  • Choose your tenant or subtenant to access the available dashboards. You can directly view the content of a dashboard from the list.
  • For migrating individual dashboards, select the "Refresh" icon next to each dashboard name.
  • To migrate all dashboards at once, click on the "Migrate All Dashboards" button.
  • If you need to migrate a dashboard again or replace an existing one in Dashboard Designer v10, activate the "Overwrite existing dashboards" toggle.

Visualization Panels

Because of the substantial differences between Grafana v6 and v10, some of the migrated dashboards may not exactly match the original v6 visualizations. Some of the visualization features may not be replicable in v10. However, you can either manually modify the target configuration or choose a different visualization panel available in v10.

Graph and Table Charts

Both the "Graph" and "Table" charts are converted from the old version to the new one using Grafana's internal conversion logic. If the converted visualization does not align with the original one, the following options are available for further actions:

  1. Manually adjust the panel configuration to get the desired visualization.
  2. Alternatively, it is feasible to retain the old graph panel during the conversion process. By choosing this option, the panel visualization will remain identical to the original one. The setup for old-to-old panel conversion can be configured on a per-tenant basis. To request the setup of this configuration, contact the support team.


The old-to-old conversion utilizes the deprecated Graph and Table panels from v10, which will be removed in the future Grafana versions. It is recommended to reconfigure the dashboards using new panels.


  • In Dashboard Designer v10, the "Gauge" widget is now distinct from the "Stat" widget. Therefore, the migration process involves adapting to this distinction by separating them into different widgets, aligning with Grafana version 10 requirements.
    • "Singlestat" with no gauge is migrated to "Stat" panel
    • "Singlestat" with gauge is migrated to "Gauge" panel
      This may lead to a slightly different visualization.
  • Unsupported: The combination of Gauge and Sparkline configuration is not supported. This configuration is transformed into a Gauge panel, resulting in the loss of Sparkline visualization.


For backward compatibility, the configuration of the v6 "SVG" panel is copied into the corresponding "SVG" panel in v10. However, since the "SVG" v10 panel is deprecated, it is recommended to reconfigure it using the "HTML Graphics" panel.


The "ImageIt" 3rd party plugin is transformed into the integrated "Canvas" panel. While the "Canvas" panel offers a comparable feature set, it does not encompass all the options available in "ImageIt". Therefore, manual adjustments might be necessary after migration.

  • The position of sensors must be adjusted manually.
  • If the "ImageIt" panel is utilized for navigation, it is recommended to use "HTML graphics".

Pie Chart

The "Pie chart" panel in Dashboard Designer v10 does not have the capability to visualize negative values. To address this limitation, you can use a transformation to convert negative values into positive ones:

Pie Chart


The following panel plugins have been deprecated by Grafana 10 due to their use of outdated frameworks. While they are currently still supported, they will be deprecated in the upcoming major update of Dashboard Designer. It is recommended to substitute deprecated panels with the ones listed below:

Deprecated panel plugin Possible replacement
SVG HTML Graphics
Discrete State timeline
Cal-Heatmap No direct replacement
Traffic Lights Stat panel with the color mode set to “Background”

Data Sources

IoT Time Series

The "IIOT Time Series" data source in Dashboard Designer v6 is transformed into "IoT Time Series" in Dashboard Designer v10. The concept of _functions is eliminated and substituted as per the following table:

DD v6 Function DD v10 Replacement
Data source aggregate options
Replaced by Grafana transformation Organize fields by name
Data source base options
MSrawTimeseries replacement
Query type options
Replaced by Asset Static Data data source
maths Replaced by Grafana transformations Add field from calculation + Filter by Name
Replaced by Grafana transformation Convert field type
Time Override / Transform options
Additional configuration options
ignoreValue Replaced by Grafana transformation Filter data by values
ignoreVariable Replaced by Grafana transformation Filter fields by name
Note: Dashboard Designer v10 supports multiple variables selection.
VFCrequest Replaced by "Visual Flow Creator" data source

Visual Flow Creator

In Dashboard Designer v10, the tenant's referer URL corresponds to the base application URL of the respective tenant.

For example, referer for the demo tenant is


When setting up a VFC flow with the access control node, it is necessary to include or update the new referrer URL in the node's conditional logic.

The following image shows the access control flow example using switch node:


Access Control (switch node) details is as shown below:

vfc access control

Asset Static Data

Asset Static data source serves as a substitute for the MSassetID and MSassetLocation functions. It is also designed for configuring and retrieving Insights Hub asset events through dashboard annotations.

Integrated Data Lake

The "IIoT Time Series" in Dashboard Designer V6 is replaced by the "Integrated Data Lake" data source in Dashboard Designer v10.


Last update: December 18, 2024

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