OEE Visualizations¶
In addition to the standard Dashboard Designer visualizations, there are additional visualizations designed for the Insights Hub OEE data source which are documented and described in this section.
OEE Status Panel¶
The OEE Status Panel displays the status of the machine as a Gantt chart for the selected time range. It uses the colors defined in the Time Model from the OEE application. To use this visualization, select the "Status Trend" category, the Asset for the query and "OEE Status Panel" from the visualization dropdown.
OEE Downtime Panel¶
The OEE Downtime Panel displays a list of downtime reasons for the selected asset within the time range. To use this visualization, select "Downtime Reason" as the query Category, the Asset of interest and the "OEE Downtime Panel" from the visualization dropdown.
The panel displays the list of downtimes, when they occurred, their duration, and any Measures, Cases or Comments associated with the downtime. It also shows whether the downtime has been manually overwritten.
You can sort the downtime list by any of the columns, to see the downtimes with longest duration, for example. Note that when the list is sorted, it will not be automatically updated. Click the "refresh blocked" icon on the top right to reset and re-enable auto-refresh.
The OEE Downtime panel is interactive, and so the user can directly edit the downtimes from Dashboard Designer. The panel is designed to work well on touch-screen devices, such as a handheld tablet, so that the user can select anywhere on a downtime entry to expand it and see tabs to edit the Reason, the Measure(s), the Cases(s) or the Comment(s).
With the Reason tab selected, the user can edit the downtime reason. By navigating up the reason tree, using the buttons in the "breadcrumb", the user can identify the appropriate "parent" reason, then navigate down the tree using the arrows until the appropriate downtime reason is located.
By selecting a new reason so that the box is highlighted blue, the "Overwrite" button will be enabled in the bottom right. After selecting this, the downtime reason will show that it has been overwritten.
The Measures(s), Cases(s) and Comment(s) can be edited similarly to the Downtime Management in the OEE app. Note that the OEE Downtime Panel for Dashboard Designer includes a built-in text editor that allows text formatting and creation of tables:
When all edits are complete, click "Save". The downtime can be closed by clicking the cross on the right of the entry.