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Creating a new type

You can use a type in various assets and build several interconnections between a type and the assets. The "Usage" tab shows all created interconnections in a list. You can navigate to the respective asset or delete all listed instances immediately.

The user interface of create type is as shown below:

Create type

① Type information

② Options available for the image section:

  • Open a explorer to add an image
  • Delete the image
  • Browse images already uploaded on the tenant

③ Opens a new bar to add variable to aspect

④ Entered variable details

⑤ Deletes variable from type

⑥ Adds an aspect to type or open a window to browse aspects

⑦ Aspect details

Edit type information

Once you have created the type information, you cannot rename and edit the Parent Type, Type ID, Name.


  • You have created an aspect with variables.


To create a new type, proceed as follows:

  1. From the left navigation, click "Library".
  2. Click Plus icon Create type".
  3. Enter a name and description for the type, e. g. "Windturbine".
  4. Expand the "Image" section to add an image. Click "Choose".
    Select the required image from your local file browser.

Image list

To browse already uploaded images in your tenant, click "Browse". Select the required image from the list and click "Add".

5.Expand the "Variables" section and click "Add variable".

6.Enter the variable details.

7.Expand the "Aspects" section and click "Add aspect".

8.Enter a name for the new type aspect and choose an aspect from the dropdown menu.

Browse aspects

  • In order to browse all the available aspects, click "Browse aspects". You can select multiple aspects by activating the checkboxes.
  • You can also create multiple instances of one aspect by entering the number in the input field.

9.Click "Save".


You have created a type. You can now select this type when creating a new asset in the "Assets" tab.

It is also possible to edit or delete the created type if the lock status is enabled. This can be changed by enabling/disabling the "Lock status" button in the "Home" screen. For more information, refer Locking a data model.

Parameters of create new type

The following table describes the parameter of the new type settings:

Parameter Description
Parent type Parent type according to the hierarchical structure.
ID ID of the type in the format [Tenant prefix].[type name].
Name Name of the type.
Description Description of the type.
Variable name Name of the variable. It is not allowed to use the following variable name:
- aspects
- description
- etag
- externalId
- extends
- hierarchyModel
- id
- legalName
- name
- organizationType
- tenantFlag
- tenant
- parentTypeId
- properties
- propertySets
- sameAs
- scope
- url
- variables

Furthermore the variable name must not start with a number, has to be alphanumeric and must not end with "_qa" or "_qc". The variable name has to be unique and differ from aspect name.
Data type - BOOLEAN: Variable that stores one of two possible values: true (TRUE) or false (FALSE)
- INT: Variable that stores an integer up to 32 bits.
- LONG: Variable that stores an integer up to 64 bits.
- DOUBLE: Variable that stores a decimal up to 64 bits.
- STRING: Variable that stores a string up to 255 characters (usually text).
- BIG_STRING: Variable that stores a string up to 100,000 characters.
- TIMESTAMP: Variable that stores a time value.
Unit Unit of variable.
Maximum length Maximum length of the variable value (only with data type "STRING" and "BIG_STRING").
Default value Default value is validated by the data type
Aspect name Name of the aspect. You can find more information about aspects in chapter Creating aspects.
Aspect type Choose aspect type for respective aspect from dropdown menu. You can find more information about aspects in chapter Creating aspects.

Inline editing

After entering an entry to the variable details, you have to validate it. You validate the entry for example with <Enter>. If the entry is not valid, the edit box is marked red and a message appears.

Last update: July 4, 2024