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Locking a data model

Any change to an asset or aspect type can impact the already existing assets. To prevent accidental changes, a lock on the data model can be activated. The lock applies to the entire tenant. By default, the lock is inactive.

After the lock is activated, the following operations are still possible:

  • Creating a new asset type
  • Creating a new aspect type
  • Extend the existing asset types by adding a child with an additional aspect type
  • Extend the existing asset types by adding a child with new direct variables

The following capabilities require the data model of the tenant to be in unlocked state.

  • Aspect Type:

    • Create a new aspect type
    • Delete an existing aspect type if it is not assigned to an asset type
    • Read existing aspect type
  • Asset Type:

    • Create a new asset type
    • Delete an existing asset type if no instances of the asset type in question exists
    • Remove aspect type assigned to the asset type, applies to static and dynamic aspect types


To activate the lock, proceed with the following steps:

  1. In the Asset Manager "Home" screen, enable the "Lock status" toggle button.
  2. In the confirmation window, click "Activate" to enable the lock. When the lock is enabled, any modifications to the structure will not be possible.
  3. To disable the lock, you can proceed in either of the following ways:
  4. In the "Home" screen, disable the "Lock status" toggle button
  5. In "Library" tab, in the "Aspect types" screen, click on the "Locked structure" icon at the top right of the screen. A message is displayed with a link to unlock the structure. Click "Unlock structure". In the pop-up window, click "Activate". The same procedure is also valid for the "Asset types" screen.

Last update: June 11, 2024