Edge App Instance Management Service¶
This service provides an interface for keeping a record of Edge app instances running on devices and their configurations. Edge app providers are typically manufacturers who produce Edge devices. These devices should support capabilities to run Edge apps.
The Edge App Instance Management Service guarantees that it will adhere to the contract specified in the API specification. It will return the listed fields as specified. However, additional fields might be introduced as backwards compatible extensions of the API.
Make sure that your client is able to handle such extensions gracefully.
For accessing this service you need to have the respective roles listed in Edge App Instance Management Service roles and scopes.
The Edge App Instance Management Service stores configuration data for each instance of an app separately. This supports devices that run multiple instances of the same app in parallel, where each instance can have a unique configuration.
Configuration Format¶
The Edge App Instance Management Service is content agnostic and allows using arbitrary JSON documents for storing configuration information.
The Edge App Instance Management Service exposes its API for realizing the following tasks:
- maintain a database of Edge app instances running on devices
- store instance configurations
Example Scenario¶
The operator uses the Instance Management Service to create a record for an application installed on a device and to store its configuration. The operator develops an app which provides a user interface for reading and editing the configuration information. When a user edits the configuration, the application uses the Device Configuration Service to apply the new configuration on the device.
Related Links¶
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