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Asset Modeler Async API Service – Samples

The code examples given in this section are json representations of the Asset Model including the mappings.

Topic Structure

MQTT Broker offers topics described below:

<designator>: [tc]

  • tc: tenant-client topic structure
  • <tenantId>: environment id
  • <clientId>: Unique client id
  • <direction>: [i|o]
    • i: inbound. Clients can subscribe
    • o: outbound. Clients can publish
  • <app>: Registered application topic name
  • <version>: Version of application
  • <app_topic>: App specific sub topics

PUBLISH: tc/<tenantId>/<clientId>/o/amo_v3/m

Models are templates describing asset/aspect types, asset instances, asset hierarchy and mappings from data point ids to variables in aspects.

SUBSCRIBE : tc/<tenantId>/<clientId>/i/amo_v3/ms

Receive model creation results for a previous model request.

PUBLISH: tc/<tenantId>/<clientId>/o/amo_v3/i

Instantiations are the realization of models. An instantiation job takes a model and creates the items described in the model by creating types, instances and mappings. A model can be instantiated many times.

SUBSCRIBE : tc/<tenantId>/<clientId>/i/amo_v3/ip

Receive instantiation job results for a previous instantiation request.

Create own Asset model

This operation creates own asset model by describing aspect types, asset types, asset instances and data point mappings.

Asset Model message:

        "id": "72609761sdv245248e126814c2dd83a27f",
        "data": {
            "externalId": "SpaceShip",
            "typeModel": {
                "aspectTypes": [{
                    "id": "connint6.wing",
                    "name": "${aspectTypeName}",
                    "category": "static",
                    "scope": "private",
                    "variables": [{
                        "name": "temperature",
                        "dataType": "STRING",
                        "unit": "C/F",
                        "searchable": true,
                        "length": 5,
                        "qualityCode": true
                    "description": "wing aspect type description",
                    "referenceId": "287adc1a086840e0a6721dfd1170e97c"
                "assetTypes": [{
                    "id": "connint6.spaceship",
                    "name": "wingAssetTypeName",
                    "parentTypeId": "core.basicasset",
                    "aspects": [{
                        "name": "wingAspect",
                        "aspectTypeId": "connint6.wing"
                    "description": "Hyperspace jump capable space ship",
                    "instantiable": true,
                    "scope": "private",
                    "referenceId": "82a4cc2a69cc42af80c1c6cf5dbefde5"
            "instanceModel": {
                "assets": [{
                    "referenceId": "wingAssetReference",
                    "parentReferenceId": "root",
                    "typeId": "connint6.spaceship",
                    "name": "wingAsset",
                    "description": "The ship of Han Solo and Chewbacca"
            "mappingModel": {
                "mappings": [{
                    "dataPointId": "dp01",
                    "assetReferenceId": "wingAssetReference",
                    "aspectName": "wingAspect",
                    "variableName": "temperature",
                    "referenceId": "19e9048e78f540e7a9ba25e1249fea9b"

Receive Model Creation Status

This operation can be used to receive model creation status for the previous model request.

        "id": "01FQC37FCCASSFT7M0D6W5EB8P",
        "correlationId": "01FQC37FCBG1DWMTEC4DYCZ327",
        "requestId": "72609761sdv245248e126814c2dd83a27f",
        "data": {
            "id": "01FQC37HX2KGP4DR0HNVR3K5B2",
            "externalId": "SpaceShip",
            "status": "Success"

Create Model Instantiations

This operation creates a new instance with a given asset model in the body.

Instantiate model message:

        "id": "bb9b9d8d6193ddsss45a5w2s7e848fe28c",
        "data": {
            "modelExternalId": "SpaceShip",
            "parameterization": {
                "values": [{
                    "name": "aspectTypeName",
                    "value": "wingAspectTypeName"

Receive Instantiation Job results

This operation can be used to receive instantiation job results for previous instantiation request.

Instantiation Job result message:

Message 1

        "id": "01FQC37RDJ54CAM75RWNAQV781",
        "correlationId": "01FQC37NKDHM4774NB1R1H7PST",
        "data": {
            "id": "01FQC37NVVFZWET43NSHYZJV4B",
            "modelId": "01FQC37HX2KGP4DR0HNVR3K5B2",
            "modelExternalId": "SpaceShip",
            "message": "25% completed.",
            "status": "InProgress"
        "requestId": "bb9b9d8d6193ddsss45a5w2s7e848fe28c"

Message 2

        "id": "01FQC37RDJ54CAM75RWNAQV781",
        "correlationId": "01FQC37NKDHM4774NB1R1H7PST",
        "data": {
            "id": "01FQC37NVVFZWET43NSHYZJV4B",
            "modelId": "01FQC37HX2KGP4DR0HNVR3K5B2",
            "modelExternalId": "SpaceShip",
            "message": "50% completed.",
            "status": "InProgress"
        "requestId": "bb9b9d8d6193ddsss45a5w2s7e848fe28c"

Message 3

        "id": "01FQC37RDJ54CAM75RWNAQV781",
        "correlationId": "01FQC37NKDHM4774NB1R1H7PST",
        "data": {
            "id": "01FQC37NVVFZWET43NSHYZJV4B",
            "modelId": "01FQC37HX2KGP4DR0HNVR3K5B2",
            "modelExternalId": "SpaceShip",
            "message": "75% completed.",
            "status": "InProgress"
        "requestId": "bb9b9d8d6193ddsss45a5w2s7e848fe28c"

Message 4

        "id": "01FQC37RDJ54CAM75RWNAQV781",
        "correlationId": "01FQC37NKDHM4774NB1R1H7PST",
        "data": {
            "id": "01FQC37NVVFZWET43NSHYZJV4B",
            "modelId": "01FQC37HX2KGP4DR0HNVR3K5B2",
            "modelExternalId": "SpaceShip",
            "message": "100% completed.",
            "status": "Success"
        "requestId": "bb9b9d8d6193ddsss45a5w2s7e848fe28c"

Last update: January 28, 2025

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