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Case Management Service


“Cases” provide a basic digital workflow for work requests (maintenance, repair, inspection and incident handling) that are essential to monitor asset health and to detect technical issues before they lead to asset failure and downtime. You can create, track and update cases using an API.


For accessing this service, you need to have the respective roles listed in Case Management roles and scopes.


Case provides a ticketing way to plan and assign audits or maintenance of assets. Detailed case helps the assignee to prioritize and execute the task. Timely updated case provides the status overview of all cases.

  • Title*: A well-defined title should summarize the task or expectation.
  • Description: A more detailed description about the case should be added.
  • Assigned to: An assignment defines the person to work on the task. The assignee gets an email notification with the case link, if 'Notify Assignee' flag is provided as 'true'.
  • Due Date*: This date sets the expectation about getting the task completed.
  • Status: Case can be updated to have different statuses to reflect the progress. The following status are available:
    • OPEN: Default status of case at the time of creation.
    • INPROGRESS: A case is expected to be in this status as the work starts.
    • ONHOLD: A case can be marked as on hold using this status.
    • OVERDUE: System puts the case in overdue if it is not closed by the defined due date.
    • DONE: A case can be moved to this status as the work gets done.
    • CANCELLED: A case can be marked as cancelled using this status.
    • ARCHIVED: A case can be archived using this status.
  • Priority: The following priority options are available to prioritize the work items:
    • LOW
    • MEDIUM
    • HIGH
  • Type: Type of a case defines the reasoning behind the initiation of that case
    • PLANNED: This defines that case is a planned activity or scheduled activity to be done.
    • INCIDENT: This defines that case is an outcome of an incident happened and it is not a planned work.
    • ANNOTATION: This defines that case is an annotation activity to be performed.
  • Association: Cases can be associated with different entity types. Supported entities are ASSET or EVENT. e.g. ASSET.
  • Attachment: Attachments can be any files supporting the work to be done or the details captured while working.


  • Intuitive overview enables easy monitoring and prioritization of cases.
  • Due dates and assignments enable convenient tracking and planning.
  • Details can be easily added using attachments, associations and external systems.
  • By-default, GET All cases service will return 1000 cases per page, when page and size request parameters are not given in request as parameters by client.


  • A tenant can create maximum 676000 cases. You may delete older/unused/Done cases to maintain the total count within this limit.
  • A case can have a maximum of 10 attachments. You may delete attachments to attach new ones if total has reached this limit.
  • Currently, a case can be associated only with two entities of type ASSET or EVENT. A case can have maximum of 11 associations i.e. maximum 10 events and 1 asset can be linked with single case.
  • A case can have a maximum of 10 external systems. You may update external systems to attach new ones if total has reached this limit.

Example Scenario

Cases could be created for the following reasons:

  • Follow-up cases - to schedule a repair (at a later date) found during ongoing activity
  • Cases for incidents or reported problems (non-routine cases)
  • Planned work during scheduled plant shutdown
  • Equipment / Process modification projects
  • Cases for compliance of regulations and audits
  • Outcome of these work requests carry insights that could optimize operations, extend asset life, improve worker safety.

Last update: December 12, 2024

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