Case Management Service – Filtering¶
GET All cases endpoints with the parameter filter
supports querying for filterable properties.
When reading the cases, all cases are filtered for the main tenant. In addition, you can provide one or more field names in the filter query (all other field names will be ignored):
Wildcards are not supported. Timestamps must be in the following example format: 2023-01-01T00:00:00.00Z
When a filter has no matches, the response will be empty.
Filter functions¶
Function eq
"status": "OPEN"
"status": {
"eq": "OPEN"
Function in
The function in
is similar to equals
, but instead matching to one value, it checks an array of values, and matches for any of them.
"status": {
"in": ["OPEN", "DONE"]
Function notIn
The function notIn
is reverse to in
. It checks an array of values and matches for none of them.
"status": {
"notIn": ["OPEN", "DONE"]
Function startsWith
"title": {
"startsWith": "Rule"
Function endsWith
"createdBy": {
"endsWith": ""
Function like
The function returns cases whose title includes Rule
either as prefix or suffix. %25
is encoded form of %
"title": {
"like": "%25Rule%25"
Function notLike
The function notLike
is reverse to like
, returns the cases whose title includes Rule
neither as prefix nor suffix. %25
is encoded form of %
"title": {
"notLike": "%25Rule%25"
Function gt
The function gt
operates as greater than the input value as matching criteria to filter cases.
"createdDate": {
"gt": "2023-11-01T00:00:00.00Z"
Function gte
The function gte
operates as greater than and equals to the input value as matching criteria to filter cases.
"createdDate": {
"gte": "2023-11-01T00:00:00.00Z"
Function lt
The function lt
operates as less than the input value as matching criteria to filter cases.
"createdDate": {
"lt": "2023-11-01T00:00:00.00Z"
Function lte
The function lte
operates as less than and equals to the input value as matching criteria to filter cases.
"createdDate": {
"lte": "2023-11-01T00:00:00.00Z"
Function between
The function between
operates as within the range of input values as matching criteria to filter cases.
"createdDate": {
"between": ["2023-11-01T00:00:00.000Z", "2023-11-12T23:59:59.999Z"]
Function notBetween
The function notBetween
operates as outside of the range of input values as matching criteria to filter cases.
"createdDate": {
"notBetween": ["2023-11-01T00:00:00.000Z", "2023-11-12T23:59:59.999Z"]
Filter operations¶
Operation and
"status": "OPEN",
"createdBy": {"endsWith": ""}
"status": {
"createdBy": {"endsWith": ""}
Nested fields¶
Field associations
You can filter cases for any associated input asset or event ID(s).
E.g., all the cases that includes asset of ID cb72dfd7400e4fc6a275f22e6751cce6
of type ASSET
will have below request filter parameter json.
"associations": [
"type": "ASSET",
"id": "cb72dfd7400e4fc6a275f22e6751cce61"
E.g., all the cases that includes multiple events of type EVENT
will have below request filter parameter json.
"associations": [
"type": "EVENT",
"id": "c72d22e6751cce6"
"type": "EVENT",
"id": "b14d22e6751cce6"
Filtering cases based on nested fields associations
matches for any asset/event type in the cases list for that specific tenant, the field id
additionally matches with the given asset/event type.
Field externalSystems
You can filter cases for any associated input external systems name(s) based on multiple parameters.
E.g., all the cases that includes type as source
and name as Senseye
and type as will have below request filter parameter json.
"externalSystems": [
"type": "source",
"name": "Senseye"
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