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Asset Attributes Calculator - Asset Management


The Asset Management Asset Attribute Calculator helps to interactively calculate the asset attribute count based on the number of asset types, aspects and assets added.


  • Asset Types: An Asset Type is a pre-configured template for creating multiple assets with the same variables. For more details, refer to Basic Asset Types.
  • Assets: A digital representation of a machine or an automation system with one or multiple automation units (for example, a PLC). For example, a pump, motor, PLC, an entire tool machine, a production line, a robot, a crane, a car, a windmill, and so on. Assets take on the properties of the type on which they are based. Within the type, you can define which aspects are integrated into the template. Assets do not necessarily mean a whole machine. It can also be a granular-level component like a part of a machine or even a sensor. If one physical asset contains a large number of variables, multiple digital assets can be configured as part of that physical asset. This helps in adhering to modeling guidelines.
  • Aspect: Aspects are a data modeling mechanism for assets. Aspects group the related data points based on their logical association. An aspect can consist of several variables.
  • Variables: Variables are actual data properties of the assets under each aspect. This can be machine values like pressure, temperature, current, voltage, etc. These are also called asset attributes.
  • Asset Attributes: The data points consumed during modeling in terms of variables.

Calculation of Asset Attributes and Asset Modeling guidelines

Asset attributes per asset type are calculated based on the sum of static variables in the asset type and variables in aspects associated with the asset type. If there are any attributes on the parent asset type, then the asset attributes are inherited by the child asset type. Selected asset types as parent, can have existing aspects and variables that also take part in the calculation, whereas if parent asset types is out-of-the-box (OOTB) then attributes are not inherited to child asset type. The total asset attribute count is computed as the sum of asset attributes for additional asset types. For more details, refer to Calculation of Asset Attributes and Modeling Recommendation.


The Asset Attribute count from the calculator is just an estimator and slight variations will be considered.
When an Asset Instance is created directly from OOTB type, then AA count will be increased by 1.


  • The Asset Attribute calculator adheres to technical limits defined for asset attributes per tenant. Refer Modeling Recommendations for more information. However, you can still create your data model with warnings.
  • You can use the created asset/aspect type as a parent to create a new asset or aspect type.
  • Update in asset or aspect type results in updating asset or aspects types where it is used as either parent or child.

Asset Attribute Calculator - Procedure

The Asset Attribute Calculator works on the number of asset types added into calculation. It also provides OOTB asset types to be used as parent.

  • Select "Create Own Asset Type" to create asset types by deriving it from parent asset types or select "Use OOTB Asset Type" to create assets from instantiable asset types.
  • For an added asset type, you can add a number of static variables and add aspects.
  • For adding aspects, click "Add Aspect Type" button. You can also select OOTB aspect types or can create a new one. New aspect type can be created by selecting "Create New Aspect Type" button. For the aspect type created, you can enter the variables in that aspect type.
  • Add the number of assets to be created from this asset type.
  • Click "Add to Calculation" to view the asset attribute count for number of assets added for that asset type.
  • Click "Calculate Attribute Count" for total attribute count for all the assets for added asset types in calculation.


For creating asset types, "core.basicasset" can be used which does not have any billable attribute. This asset type can be used as parent asset type to start inheritance and add purpose specific attributes through customization. Any update in asset type container and derived asset types will only reflect when "Add to calculation" is clicked after modification.

Asset Attribute Calculator

Total Asset Attribute Count

Last update: September 23, 2024

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